Alkaralar FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

How do I create a Section?

Yeni bir bölüm oluşturmak için, Yönetici Kontrol Paneli erişimi olması gerekir. Sol taraftan Bölüm Yöneticisi nden yeni bölümler eklersiniz.

How do I rename a Section?

You can rename a section in the user visible site portion of your vBulletin community if you have the proper permissions.
  1. Click on the HOME tab if you are not already in the vBulletin CMS section.
  2. Navigate to the section you want to edit the name of.
  3. Hover over the header. A pencil icon should appear.
    Edit Section
  4. Click on the pencil icon.
  5. In the section editor, clear the "Name:" text box in the "Section Information" section.
    Edit Section Name
  6. Enter the new name for the section in the clear text box.
  7. Update the SEO URL Alias and HTML Title Fields as necessary
  8. Click Save
    Section Toolbar

How do I change the Content Display Order for a Section?

  1. Click on the HOME tab if you are not already in the vBulletin CMS section.
  2. Navigate to the section you want to change the "Content Display Order" for.
  3. Hover over the header. A pencil icon should appear.
    Edit Section
  4. Click on the pencil icon.
  5. In the section editor, select the option you desire from the "Display Order" dropdown list found in the "Section Information" section of the form.
    Section Display Order
  6. Click .
    Section Toolbar

How do I change the number of articles per page?

  1. Click on the Home tab if you are not already in the vBulletin CMS section.
  2. Navigate to the section you want to change.
  3. Hover over the header. A pencil icon should appear.
    Edit Section
  4. Click on the pencil icon.
  5. In the section editor, enter the number of articles you wish to display in the "Per Page" textbox.
    Section - Articles per Page
  6. Click the button.
    Section Toolbar

What is the difference between a style, a layout and a content layout?

The style controls how a section looks from the font size to the background color. The layout controls where each element (ex: navigation bar, article list, links, and feeds) is placed. Lastly, the content layout controls how articles are organized within a section.

How do I change the layout of a Section?

  1. Sitenin vBulletin CMS kısmı değilse Anasayfa sekmesine tıklayın.
  2. Düzenini değiştirmek istediğiniz bölümü gidin.
  3. Başlığın üzerinde gezdirin. Bir kalem simgesi görünmelidir.
    Bölümü Düzenle
  4. Kalem simgesine tıklayın.
  5. Bölüm Düzenleyicisi'nde, yeni bir düzen "Bölüm düzeni" aşağı açılan listeden seçin.
    Bölüm düzenini değiştir
  6. düğmesine tıklatyın.

How do I change the style for a Section?

  1. Click on the Home tab if you are not already in the vBulletin CMS portion of the site.
  2. Navigate to the section you want to change the style for.
  3. Hover over the header. A pencil icon should appear.
    Edit Section
  4. Click on the pencil icon.
  5. In the section editor, select a new style from the "Style" dropdown list.
    Edit Section Style
  6. Click the button.
    Section Toolbar

How do I change the content layout of a section?

  1. Click on the Home tab if you are not already in the vBulletin CMS portion of the site.
  2. Navigate to the section you want to change.
  3. Hover over the header. A pencil icon should appear.
    Edit Section
  4. Click on the pencil icon.
  5. In the section editor, select the content layout you want from the "Content Layout" dropdown list.
    Section Content Layout
  6. Click the button.
    Section Toolbar

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Select an option here to specify how you would like your search query to be treated. 'Any words' will return the most numerous but possibly least relevant results, while 'Complete phrase' will return only results that contain exactly what you are searching for.